

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 广州市 白云区 太和镇 谢家庄村 广州市白云区龙归工业园
  • 姓名: 林多海
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:化工 涂料 通用涂料
  • 发布日期:2022-02-19
  • 阅读量:348
  • 价格:1.00 元/桶 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:10000.00 桶
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东广州白云区太和镇谢家庄村  
  • 关键词:德立兴防水厂家直销,德立兴防水涂料,厨卫**防水涂料


    德立兴美国厨卫防水王 DLXFS-108  
    颜色: 水泥灰,蓝色,绿色
    1. 抵御高的静水压,具有负水面的防水功能; 可在潮湿的区域施工; 容易操作,只需现场搅拌即可使用;
    将粉料倒入盛有添加剂的容器中,机械搅拌3分钟至无沉淀的胶状体,然后静置3-5分钟后,再搅拌一下即可使用。在使用过程中应保持间断性的搅拌,以防止沉淀。使用硬毛刷、滚筒或喷浆机将混合浆料均匀地涂刷或喷涂于潮湿的底材上; 分层施工,*二层的涂刷方向应与**层垂直每一层厚度不得**过1mm。每层施工的时间间隔不小于4小时。
    施工温度应在5℃至35℃; 开调后的浆料1小时内用完; 在水泥压光基面施工前,需先重新拉毛基面; 在防水层上铺贴瓷砖建议采用瓷砖胶粘剂。
    防水膜厚度为1.0mm时,理论用量约为1.5 - 2.0kg/m2。实际用量视具体基面情况而定。 
    包装规格:20kg/桶  10kg/桶  5kg/桶
    德立兴美国厨卫防水王 DLXFS-108  
    Dlxfs-108, American kitchen & bathroom waterproof wang
    Color颜色: cement grey, blue, green
    I. product overview产品概述
    This product is a kind of two-component waterborne waterproof coating which is made of organic liquid which is composed of high quality modified acrylic copolymer emulsion and a variety of additives, inorganic powder which is composed of high aluminum and high iron cement and a variety of additives, processed by scientific formula.Non-toxic environmental protection, resist high hydrostatic pressure, with negative water surface waterproof function, can be in the wet base construction, good wear resistance, good bonding, can be used for drinking pool.
    II. Scope of application适用范围
    The waterproof that suits to wait for the project such as toilet bath, kitchen, floor ground, balcony most, prevent seepage and moistureproof can be used at concrete, brick wall, concrete block, prefabricated block wait for the indoor of all sorts of building structure, outside waterproof project.
    III. Product advantages产品优点
    1. Resist high hydrostatic pressure and have the waterproof function of negative water surface;May be constructed in wet areas;Easy to operate, only need to stir on site to use;
    2. Good wear resistance and adhesion, suitable ceramic tile adhesive can be used to stick various decorative tile after dry and solid;Good air permeability;
    3. Non-toxic, harmless, can be used in pools and fish ponds;
    IV.Preparation of base surface基面准备
    1. The substrate must be firm, smooth and clean, free from dust, grease, wax, mold release agent and other debris;
    2. All small pores and sand holes can be smoothed out by plugging king;Brush paste before applying, in advance
    Fully wet the substrate, but no water.
    V. construction technology施工工艺
    Pour the powder into the container containing additives, stir mechanically for 3 minutes until there is no precipitation of the gelatinous body, then let stand for 3-5 minutes, then stir again can be used.Intermittent agitation should be maintained during use to prevent precipitation.Use a stiff brush, roller or sprayer to evenly brush or spray the mixture on a wet substrate.For layered construction, the direction of the second layer's coating brush shall be perpendicular to the first layer and the thickness of each layer shall not exceed 1mm.The construction time interval of each floor shall not be less than 4 hours.
    VI. Matters needing attention注意事项
    The construction temperature should be from 5℃ to 35℃;Use up the slurry within 1 hour after opening.Before the construction of cement calendering base surface, it is necessary to redraw the base surface.Tile adhesive is suggested to be used in waterproofing layer.
    VII. Reference amount参考用量
    When the thickness of waterproof film is 1.0mm, the theoretical dosage is about 1.5-2.0kg /m2.The actual amount depends on the specific base surface.
    Shelf life保质期: one year.
    Packing specifications包装规格:20 kg/barrel 10 kg/barrel  5 kg/barrel

    欢迎来到广州固镪建材有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市白云区广州市白云区龙归工业园,联系人是林多海。 主要经营广州德立兴防水涂料厂家是一家集科研、生产、销售、施工及售后服务为一体的专业化新型防水企业,公司拥有国际成员之一的专业技术和美国配方,进口美国原材料,生产高质量、高标准的化工防水产品,是国家**企业、并拥有多年实际市场操作经验我*水行业值得信赖的企业。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 公司长期供应防水等,产品质量完全符合行业要求,被用户评为信得过产品,**全国各省市、自治,欢迎新老客户来选购考察!